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Phepelo ea metsi a chesang ka tlung: Moea o felletseng oa dc inverter ho ea ho metsi a futhumatsang ntlo pompo ea mocheso ho tloha HEEALARX e fana ka phepelo ea metsi a chesang a 55 centigrade ho isa ho 65 centigrade bakeng sa ho shaoara, ho noa hape e ka natefeloa ke spa e futhumetseng lapeng, e bolokang matla, e bolokehileng ebile e phutholohile.

Ka bobeli HEEALARX Full DC Evi Inverter Air to Water House Heating Heat Pump Monoblock le mofuta o arohaneng o kentsoe haholo matlong le lifoleteng tsa Poland, Netherlands, Jeremane le Kosovo mme bareki ba thabile haholo ka diyuniti tse nang le melemo ea: ho boloka matla, ho futhumatsa kapele , phepelo e lekaneng ea metsi a chesang le ts'ebetso e tšepahalang nakong ea mocheso o tlase oa moea oa -35 centigrade.


Apartment Blocks and District Heating: Ho tloha lifoleteng tse nang le li-unit tse ka bang 100 tse arohaneng, moea oa khoebo oa HEEALARX ho ea ho metsi a futhumatsang ntlo a ka fana ka tharollo e felletseng ea mocheso o tlase oa khabone, mocheso o tsosolositsoeng oa matla molemong oa ho futhumatsa ntlo ho e mong le e mong. lifolete tse nang le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa ho sebetsa.


Mabenkele a Maholo le Mabenkele: Bakeng sa thepa e kholo ea khoebo hangata e na le tlhoko e kholo ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa. HEEALARX moea oa khoebo ho metsi a futhumatsang pompo ea mocheso o futhumatsang o ka fana ka mohloli o loketseng hantle le o tsitsitseng oa ho futhumatsa le mohloli o pholileng lits'ebetsong tse joalo tsa khoebo.


Mehaho ea Liofisi: Bakeng sa libaka tsa liofisi tsa khoebo tse kang meaho ea liofisi le litene tsa liofisi, moo basebetsi ba lebelletseng hore maemo a leholimo a matle a be le litholoana le ho sebetsa nakong ea mosebetsi. HEELARX moea oa khoebo ho futhumatsa metsi le pompo ea mocheso o pholileng o ka fana ka litharollo tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa ka mokhoa o theko e tlaase le oa tikoloho.


Litsi tsa Boithapollo le Lipapali: Bakeng sa lits'ebetso libakeng tsa boikhathollo le litsi tsa lipapali, metsi a chesang a hlokoa haholo. HEEALARX moea oa khoebo ho lipompo tsa mocheso tse futhumatsang metsi li ka fana ka tharollo e felletseng bakeng sa ho futhumatsa ntlo le metsi a chesang bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tse joalo tsa khoebo ka tharollo ea polokelo ea metsi a chesang e hlophisitsoeng hantle.


Temo le Li-Greenhouses: Bakeng sa li-greenhouse le litsi tsa temo, ho na le tlhokahalo e khethehileng ea taolo ea mocheso oa leholimo selemo ho pota. HEEALARX moea oa khoebo ho ea ho metsi a futhumatsang pompo ea mocheso o futhumatsang o ka fana ka litharollo tse entsoeng hantle tsa ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa, ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho tse fumanehang ka theko e tlase.


HEEALARX air inverter air ho futhumatsa metsi le mofuta o pholileng oa pompo ea mocheso li kentsoe haholo litsing tsa khoebo tsa Poland, Netherlands, Jeremane le Sweden mme bareki ba thabile haholo ka diyuniti tse nang le melemo ea: ho boloka matla, ho futhumatsa kapele, phepelo ea metsi a chesang a lekaneng le hape. ts'ebetso e tšepahalang nakong ea mocheso o tlase oa moea oa -35 centigrade.