Apartment Blocks And District Heating: From apartment blocks consisting of up to 100 separate units, HEEALARX commercial air to water house heating heat pump systems can provide a total solution of low carbon, renewable energy heat into a district energy scheme to provide house heating to each apartments with low running costs.
Large Shops &Warehouses: For the large commercial properties generally have large demand of heating and cooling. HEEALARX commercial air to water heating cooling heat pump can provide well suited and consistent heating and cooling source to such commercial applications.
Office Buildings: For commercial office area such as office buildings and office blocks, where employees expect about the comfortable climate to be productive and active during working period. HEELARX commercial air to water heating and cooling heat pump can provide heating and cooling solutions in a low cost and environmentally-friendly way.

Leisure And Sports Centers: For installations in places of leisure and sports centers, hot water is in big demand. HEEALARX commercial air to water heating cooling heat pumps can provide comprehensive solutions for both house heating and also hot water for such commercial facilities through well designed hot water storage solutions.
Farming And Greenhouses: For the greenhouse and farming facilities, there have very specific requirement for the internal climate temperature control all year round. HEEALARX commercial air to water heating cooling heat pump can provide well designed heating and cooling solutions, making the most of the natural resources available with lower running cost.
HEEALARX commercial inverter air to water heating and cooling heat pump type have widely installed in commercial facilities in Poland, Netherlands, Germany and Sweden and customers are very happy with the units with benefits of: energy saving, quick heating , enough hot water supply and also reliable working during low ambient air temperature of -35 centigrade.